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Player Registration

Once again for the 2025 season, all Harford County Senior Softball players will be registering

exclusively by a hard [paper] copy form that can be downloaded via PDF. The league fee will be $100.00. [Note: a $10 late fee may be assessed to players who attempt to sign up after the 3/1/25 registration deadline!] 


All players from any city or state are welcomed and encouraged to sign up as there are no geographic limitations.


The league is split into two skill levels; a master’s type group for ages [45-55] on Thursday nights and a more traditional senior league of [50-70+] year-old ballplayers on Tuesday nights. A registration fee is required for each league to play two nights a week.

Kindly download the PDF of the Registration Form below, then complete and return it along with the $100.00 league fee to the attention of:

         Mike Hanna [Vice President]
         531 Eckhart Drive
         Joppa, Maryland 21085

HCSS Registration Form [Deadline: 3/1/25]
Please only use this hard [paper] copy Registration Form
2025 Registration Form 11-27-24.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [181.5 KB]
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© Harford County Senior Softball

